AM 100
Highly Flexible Leakproof Coat
A cement-based Leakproof coating of AM that has extreme and flexible adhesion. Suitable for large capacity water storage areas, such as swimming pools, ground water tanks, basements, etc.
Product excellence :
+ Watertight & high elasticity
+ High adhesion
+ Safe for the environment
+ Easy application
Packaging: 2.5 kg set, 25 kg set & 50 kg set
AM 100 (Extra Flexible Leakproof Coating) is a waterproofing coating building material from PT Adiwisesa Mandiri (manufacturer and distributor of building materials). The AM 100 product is the best solution as a Leakproof coating paint for large capacity water reservoirs, such as fish pond paint and swimming pools, to a Leakproof coating for concrete.
AM 100 is also an environmentally friendly paint with cement as the base material, strengthened through the content of POLYMERIC BINDER™️ so that the adhesion is extreme and flexible.
- Must use AM 100 powder and liquid according to the mixing ratio and must not be replaced by other ingredients.
- Do not add other ingredients to the product.
- The Leakproof coating must be covered with plaster or screed so that it is not scratched or damaged by friction and exposure to direct sunlight.
- Do not come into contact with water during the drying process.
- Store the product in a dry place and avoid direct sunlight.